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Production Possibilities Curve

2 Sep

Article: of Two Minds about Books


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22 Aug

When I was a little kid who did not know any thing about Economics, I had always wondered many things about money. Who was creating all the money in our society? Why can not they produce more so everyone can be rich? Why are there currency? What is a stock? Despite my parents’ effort, I was too young to fully understand the complicated concepts of Economics, and these questions remained puzzle until now.

I hope to obtain fully explained answers for those questions throughout the course and even be able to explain them to others. Besides learning basics, I am looking forward to learn about a stock and its market. I am amazed at a fact that simple action of buying and selling stocks can make a profit, and is motivated by learning how to make a profit. After learning about a stock, I want to learn how to interpret a graph like the image above, inorder to predict the future and make a profit.  After the two-year course, I want to try making a profit by buying and selling stocks.

I am very excited to learn Economics and cannot wait until the next class:D


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